Sunday 20 May 2012

Keeping on Keeping on!

So, the first news is that I've FINALLY got my DLA claim off to DWP - 66 questions covered by 13 pages of answers prepared on the computer.  I'm aiming to bore them into re-allowing my claim, LOL. I'm making light of it but I'm terrified that now they're being so hard on claims they'll stop mine and I have no idea how we'll cope without it - especially my Motability car.

Of course the next problem is the 'Fit for Work' assessment I've just received now they're changing Incapacity Benefit over to either ESA or Income Support.  It never rains but when it bloody well pours, does it?  Oh well, hopefully I can use some of the stuff I've used on the DLA claim to complete this one.

Then its just a case of sitting, waiting and worrying while the Powers that Be make their decisions.

BUT . . . .

On a positive note, this week I've taken delivery of my new Scooter:

           A Quingo Vitess, 8mph, 30 mile charge about 22p!

This is going to make such a difference to my life - when we did the test drive we went round the Park, taking Taia (our Standard Poodle) with us.  Being able to take her for a walk was such a buzz - its the first time I've been able to walk the dog in 10 years and I was so excited!

Yesterday Mike and I 'walked' down into town together and went for a coffee - it was so lovely to be able to go through the Park holding hands and seeing all the trees in leaf.  I spotted squirrels just sitting on the grass watching the people go by, and was totally transfixed by them.  Of course Mike has seen them many times before and takes them for granted now but its the first time I have and it was just magical!

Of course, having Tessie (yes, I DO name my vehicles, spinning wheel etc!) isn't going to make me any better, but it does mean that on the days I'm able to do things I'm going to be able to go out under my own steam rather than having to drive the car to one shop, walk in and out and then have to come home to sleep to get over the walking.  We were out for an hour and a half yesterday and yes, I was shattered when we got in (and had to sleep for  several hours to get over it, but just being able to do something that most people take for granted let me feel almost normal for a while.

Sunday 6 May 2012

DLA Alert!

So, there's a HUGE elephant in the room . . . . I have my latest DLA claim sitting under the coffee table awaiting completion.  Its lurking, mouldering, glaring at me under its eyelashes; every so often it creeps out to remind me its there.

I know I've got to complete it and get it sent off - how I'd cope without my DLA I hate to imagine - and I've done half of it, but that was the easy half.  Now I've got to the questions that really get to the heart of my disability; I've got to put in words the struggles I face daily - the simple things like just getting out of bed, getting in and out of the bath, getting myself something to eat.  All those things most people take for granted - the things I used to take for granted - and now I struggle to do for myself.

I've got to put into writing how my lovely husband - now retired, who should be thinking about himself, not looking after his younger wife - has to look after me throughout the day.  How he does most of the cooking, ironing, helps me get up from bed, the sofa, in & out of the bath, etc.

My health has been so low for the last couple of months and I'm wondering if this is part of the problem - I know the government has to make cuts but the worry about losing this - and my Incapacity Benefit - is stressing me out so much.  I paid into the system all my working life yet now I live in fear that my only source of income is going to be taken away from me.  I have friends who have had this happen and the thought of it makes me so scared.  Without my money we can't manage on my husband's pension (we're barely managing now).

I know I HAVE to get this completed this weekend and posted on Tuesday but every time I psych myself up to do it the gremlins kick in and I'm too afraid to open the paperwork.

Wish me luck - tomorrow's THE day.


Update 9th May:  
Slightly late but all the questions are completed.  Just waiting for my supporting statements to come in and we're ready to go!