Sunday 18 November 2012

Christmas Pudding!

Next Sunday - 25th November - is 'Stir-Up' Sunday. 

Stir-Up Sunday is the last Sunday before Advent, traditionally the day that housewives would make their Christmas Puddings (giving them a chance to mature before the big day itself) and everyone in the family would have a chance to give it a stir and make a Christmas wish.
For my American friends a traditional Christmas Pudding is a rich fruit & nut pudding that is steamed for several hours and reheated & served on Christmas Day.
The origin of 'stir up' actually comes from the Collect (a special prayer) for that particular Sunday in the Church of England Book of Common Prayer- the Sunday before Advent which says:-
"Stir up we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people,
That they, plenteously beinging forth the fruit of good works,
May of thee be plenteously rewarded.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen."

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This is the Sundy before Advent Sunday, and is traditionally the day on which, in the UK, Christmas puddings are made (for those in the USA - Christmas pudding is a rich fruit cake full of nuts, fruit and so on, eaten with cream or brandy butter on Christmas Day ). The 'stir up' refers to stirring the puddings (making a wish too) before cooking so that after cooking they have enough time to mature before Christmas day.

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My Christmas Pudding recipe is the recipe I inherited from my mum.  Its the one she made when we were growing up and, for me epitomises THE taste of Christmas.  I actually prefer to make a huge batch of puddings, cooking them in an old laundry boiler and either giving them as gifts or keeping them to eat in following years.
Believe me, a 3 year-old Christmas pudding is so fantastic my eyes are watering at the thought!!!!!

Makes 1 large pudding
3lb (1.5kg) dried mixed fruit
1/2lb (250g) plain (all-purpose) flour
1lb (500g) white breadcrumbs (from a loaf of bread)
1lb (500g) beef (or vegetarian) suet (shredded)
1lb (500g) dark brown sugar
1tsp ground mixed spice
Pinch salt
2ox (50g) ground almonds
Grated rind of 2 lemons
Half a grated nutmeg (or 1 tsp ground nutmeg if you can't get a fresh one)
8 eggs
Can of Guinness or Murphys Stout to mix.

  1. Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, stirring well to combine everything evenly together.
  2. Beat eggs together in a jug
  3. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour in the eggs and half the stout.
  4. Stir well, adding more stout as required to make a soft mixture
  5. Get everyone in the family to give the mixture a stir and make their Christmas wish
  6. Spoon into a greased heatproof pudding bowl and smooth over the top.  Leave a good inch/couple of cm space at the top to allow for the pudding to rise in the cooking
  7. Now to prepare the top of the pudding - this is very important!  Take a double thickness square of greaseproof or baking paper and make a pleat across the middle.  Do the same with a double thickness square of baking foil.
  8. Put the square of greaseproof on the top of the pudding.  Put a good tablespoon of plain flour in the centre then put the square of foil on top (making sure the pleats lie on top of each other).
  9. You might need some help for this bit!  Take a doubled length of string, put it round the pudding bowl over the top of the paper/flour/foil sandwich, tying it tightly to make a good seal (don't let the pleats spread open) and trimming the string to a neat length.
  10. Trim around the edge of the paper LEAVING A GOOD COUPLE OF INCHES BELOW THE STRING.  Fold the foil back up over the string.
  11. Take a large saucepan and invert a saucer on the bottom and stand the pudding bowl on it.  Add boiling water until it is about an inch below the level of the string.  Bring the water back to the boil then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer, cover and cook for a good 4 -5 hours, remembering to top up with extra boiling water regularly. 
  12. CAREFULLY retrieve the pudding from the saucepan and leave to cool.  If you've made a string handle it can be much safer to use the handle of a wooden spoon to lift the pudding.
  13. Once the pudding is completely cool clean the pudding basin and remove the paper/foil lid; re-cover with a fresh one (you won't need to put the flour in the middle this time).
  14. Store in a cool dark place - you don't need to 'feed' your pudding like you would a Christmas cake.
  15. On Christmas Day reheat the pudding by steaming it gently, as above, for about an hour before serving.  You can warm a little brandy, pour it over and light it if you wish, although I don't bother.  Serve with whipped cream, brandy butter, brandy sauce or custard as you prefer.
  16. Try it on Boxing Day in a sandwich!!!!!

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